Sunday, March 9, 2014

RESTEasy format timestamps as date

By default RESTEasy using Jackson will format a java.util.Date as a unix-timestamp. To change it into ISO_8601 formar, yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z', simply create a class


 * This class will make sure JSON timestamps is written in the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss'Z' 

public class JacksonConfig implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {

 private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;

 public JacksonConfig() {
  objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    SerializationConfig.Feature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);

 public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> objectType) {
  return objectMapper;

Configur Eclipse to use WildFly 8

In order to configure Wildfly/JBoss from Eclipse, start by installing the plugin "JBoss Tools" from Eclipse Marketplace. You only need to install JBossAS Tools, but you may install everything if you like:
After installing and restarting eclipse, go to File | New | Server and expand the JBoss Community option. Choose "WildFly 8 (Experimental)" and click Next
Now choose the location for the WildFly 8 installation and a JRE.

Remember that WildFly requires a JDK 1.7, therefore you will not be able to start it with an older JDK version.

The wizard will now ask if you wish to deploy a project. Choose the project you wish to deploy and click Add >.

Click Finish. WildFly 8 is now configured on your Eclipse environment! 
To enable automatic publishing of code changes, double click the server in the server tab:

This will open a server configuration window. In the "Publishing" section, set to check "Automatically publish after a build event" and set the interval to whatever fits you. In my experiences, 5 seconds works best. 
Finally change the value in the "Application Reload Behavior" section to: "\.jar$|\.class$"

Happy developing!