Consider this piece of JSon code. To map this into a List of Strings is not always as easy it one might think.
If you just do like below:
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(clientConfig);
WebTarget webTarget ="http://localhost/service");
Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = webTarget.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
Response response = invocationBuilder.get();
List<String> owners = response.readEntity(ArrayList.class);
You will get an error like this:
org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException: MessageBodyReader not found for media type=application/json, type=class java.util.ArrayList, genericType=class java.util.ArrayList.
To solve the problem, use a
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(clientConfig);
WebTarget webTarget ="http://localhost/service");
Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = webTarget.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
Response response = invocationBuilder.get();
List<String> owners = response.readEntity(new GenericType<List<String>>() { });
This should do the trick. It will work for Map's as well.
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